Monday, May 16, 2011

Anti-war poem

Trillions for the war
Only millions for the poor
It sounds like a lot but they need much  more
That works out to a dollar thirty four
For every child who can barely eat.
We make a million bullets for the Middle East
We’d rather build a prison
Than teach kids how to listen

It happens again and again.
History is forgotten
It doesn’t ever change
Some people are just rotten
It used to be that Kings would send
their armies in search of booty
Now they send them out for oil
And call it their patriotic duty.

We’ve got to nip this in the bud
We must stain the land with blood
We’ll profit from their toil
We will not share the spoils

War has always been a form of theft
Take until there’s nothing left
Plunder and then go back home
Leaving wreckage and tombstones
The profiteers should be in jail
No heat, bad light, no goddam bail
They can’t be punished enough
Why do they do such awful stuff?

The riches go the crooks on top
A flag comes home to Mom and Pop.
Soldiers shafted for all their pain
Its not enough to just wash their brain
They were only eighteen, no money for school
Once we’re older we’re harder to fool.

 The worst heat you’ve ever felt.
And you are supposed to wage war.
It must scramble your brain being in that heat. 
I can’t take much over 34.
A Year of near death
Then they send you home
Or maybe you’re still needed
In the combat zone
Afraid to drive the roads
Cause everything explodes.
This isn’t the way I remember
Playing with G.I..Joes

Friday, May 6, 2011

Contact Photography Festival

There are a ton of gallery openings going on this weekend around the Junction. Saturday night to be precise. 6-9 pm is the timeframe for visiting 20 or so galleries on Dundas between Annette and a few blocks west of Keele. I saw a bunch of great shows on Queen Street last night. There were a lot of people-less photographs. The presence of people in photographs brings an energy to them which makes them preferable to me. Which raises the question: Why don't my photos have more people in them? Answer: Because I don't want to invade their privacy or take their photo without permission. Once they know they are being photographed, the spontaneity, and the quality of the photo, is lost. Nonetheless, all the photos last night were well worth the walk to see them.  I also saw some cool paintings by an artist named Joe Fleming. I could see those being put up in the big modern art museums of the world in the near future. I know few will read this and my one follower who is in England, bless you Molly, will assuredly not be attending. If you do get this message, I urge you to trek west beyond the glamour of Queen or Bloor Street and check out Toronto's biggest photographic night.

Sunday, May 1, 2011

May 2 - Vote NDP or Green...please!!!!!

         Election day is tomorrow. Despite all the positive news about the Tories falling in popularity and the NDP surge there is not really much chance that the people of Canada will be much better off. The TTC will not be receiving Federal money commensurate with its importance in the function of Canada's biggest city. Now that the auto plants around the GTA have been laying off thousands of people for years, isn't it time to stop obeying their wishes to eliminate public transit? It will continue to be under funded and over crowded. Hundreds of thousands of votes for the Green party will result in, at most, one seat in Parliament. Tens of thousands of rural votes will fill dozens of seats with more water-treaders. Victims of the G20 debacle (that is to say all Canadians) will receive no compensation, embezzling developers will not go to jail for skimming money off of federally funded construction projects. Oil extraction from the Tar Sands will continue to pollute Alberta for the benefit of a money-worshipping minority who deny the existence or significance of pollution.
      On the positive side: I think I am going to record some really great music that just might launch a new genre and make me rich. It's a shame the future isn't looking as bright for the rest of the world. I jest. All our futures are linked.
     Now get out and VOTE! Just don't expect too much.